Worthington United

Teams & Leagues

Team Fast Facts (u11 & older)

  • Players U11 and older will be placed on teams through a tryout/selection process.
  • Practices are held at the Soccer Learning Center, located behind Perry/Phoenix Middle School.
  • Teams participate in league games and tournaments each season. League participation may vary by birth year and/or team.
  • Coaches are supported and mentored by Rob Smith (Director of Player Development), Kevin Donovan (Director of Worthington United 94), Jeff Dybdahl (Director of Growth & Development Academy), and Brianna Dominach (High School Director).
  • Coaches, players, and parents are expected to follow the guidelines of Live United 94! which support the development of the environment in which we want our players to thrive.
Age Group Seasons League(s)*
U11 Fall (Aug-Oct) & Spring (mid March-May) COPL
U12 Fall (Aug-Oct) & Spring (mid March-May) COPL
U13 Fall (Aug-Oct) & Spring (Jan/Feb-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U14 Fall (Aug-Oct) & Spring (Jan/Feb-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U15 fall Fall Only (Aug-Oct) BPL/COPL
U15 spring Spring (Nov-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U16 Spring (Nov-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U17 Spring (Nov-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U18 Spring (Nov-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
U19 Spring (Nov-May) NPL/BPL/COPL
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